PRP Hair Growth Treatment in Scotch Plains - Garden State Medical Spa

Platelet-Rich Plasma +Acell for hair growth

PRP Hair Growth Treatment in Scotch Plains - Garden State Medical Spa Scotch Plains

ACell + PRP Hair Restoration

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. The procedure will stimulate hair regrowth while working to slow down future hair loss. At Garden State Medical Spa, we offer the new technology of ACell + PRP Therapy where the injection treatment deters shedding and restores hair growth in patients who are genetically predisposed to hair loss. As the name suggests, the procedure works through injections of blood with a particularly high concentration of plasma, injected directly into the patient’s hair follicles.

At A Glance


30-90 minutes (depending on treatment areas)


Mild pain, scalp tenderness, swelling, itching


Thinning hair, hair loss, and bald spots

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does ACell + PRP Hair Restoration last?

In order to achieve real PRP hair treatment results, you’ll need to complete a series of four to six treatments and you’ll be able to enjoy new hair growth for about 18 to 24 months. Because PRP is not permanent, touch-up treatments are recommended once a year.

Am I a good candidate for ACell + PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP treatment works best when you catch hair loss early. If most of your hair is already gone or you’ve been bald for a while, be aware that PRP won’t be able to fully restore the hair in that area. That’s why we recommend you come in for a consultation to discuss a treatment plan tailored uniquely to your condition.

Where can I get ACell + PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP Hair restoration is typically designed to be effective on restoring hair in bald spots especially on the scalp. It can also be used for improving growth of your eyebrows and facial hair like the beard and mustache.

How long will the treatment take?

PRP Hair Restoration appointments are very quick and easy and typically take 30 to 60 minutes to complete based on how many treatment areas are included in your treatment plan. We’ll make sure to keep you comfy and satisfied during the treatment too!

Is ACell + PRP Hair Restoration safe?

PRP hair restoration injections are very safe, and our team makes sure we follow all medical protocols needed. Mild risks include pain, redness, headaches, and temporary hair shedding. Be reminded that PRP may not be appropriate for those with a history of bleeding disorders or autoimmune disease.

How can I get started with ACell + PRP Hair Restoration?

Say no more! You can go ahead and get started with PRP Hair Restoration by calling us at (number) or visiting our website to book your personalized consultation today!